Often when you think about brunch foods, you may think about eggs. Eggs are a common ingredient in most brunch foods, and therefore it can be hard to find a good brunch recipe that doesn’t have eggs. This recipe is a vegan frittata, which I’ve made several times for dinner, but I’ve recently discovered that it makes an awesome addition to any brunch meal. This recipe is also low fodmap for those interested in gut-friendly recipes.
Prep Time: 30 mins
Cook Time: 60 mins
Total Time: 90 mins
14-15 oz tofu
2 tbsp cornstarch
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
1 large tomatoes
1 bell pepper
2 yellow potatoes
1 bunch of green onions
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tsp turmeric
½ tsp black pepper
This recipe is brought to you by: Ovation Public Speaking
1. Press the tofu for 30 minutes.
2. Pre-heat the oven to 375 F.
3. Chop the bell pepper and potatoes, drizzle with olive oil and salt and pepper, then roast in the oven for 20 minutes.
4. Once the tofu has pressed, add it to a blender along with the almond milk, corn starch, nutritional yeast, turmeric, salt, and pepper, and then blend thoroughly. If the mixture is too stiff, add a tbsp of water to loosen it up.
5. Once the bell pepper and potatoes have roasted, pull them out of the oven and put them in a 9” diameter pie dish. Then pour the blended tofu mixture into the pie dish and add chopped green onion. Use a spoon to mix everything together. Add sliced tomato on top.
6. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
7. Cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.
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