How to Prepare a Carolina Reaper

If you've never eaten a Carolina Reaper before, it can be extremely intimidating to cook with.  But don't worry, with a few practical tips you can tame the Reaper and include it in a variety of recipes, either your own or others you'd like to spice up.


1. Prepare yourself.  Seriously... If you wear contacts, take them out.  If you have a cold or allergies, do not rub your face, nose, or eyes while preparing the Reaper.

2. Get these recommended items: gloves, plastic cutting board, paper towels, knife.  Note: The plastic cutting board is recommended because the wood cutting board is porous and can absorb some of the oils from the Reaper.  Imagine later cutting a lemon and getting lemon juice and Reaper.. yeah not good.

3. Prepare the pepper.  Use your glove covered hands to handle the reaper in getting it in and out of the ziplock back.  Try to grab it by the stem, its the safest place to hold it.  Note:  Freeze your Reapers, they will grow mold and go bad.  So if you are only using part of it, freeze the rest.

4. Cut the Reaper and dice it.  If you want less spice separate the seeds and guts, they hold the most oils which really holds the heat.  However if you want more spice, keep them!

5. Wrap what you don't want in the paper towel and throw away.  Why?  Think ahead, if you just toss it in the trash and later you need to push your trash down, you don't want to risk getting this on your hands.

6. Put your remaining pepper back in the ziplock bag, and then back in the freezer.  Wash the cutting board and knife immediately with soap and water, then wash your gloves with soap and water.
